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Canamari Indian Language (Canamari de Purus, Kanamare)

Canamari de Purus was an Arawakan language of South American language, once spoken in Brazil. This language is believed to be extinct today. A second indigenous group from the same region is also known as Canamari, but their language (Canamari de Juruá or Tukuna) is a Katukinan language that has nothing in common with the Arawakan language once spoken in the Purus vicinity. Canamari de Purus was probably most closely related to Piro.

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Our Online Canamari Materials

Canamari Words:
    Our list of vocabulary words in the Canamari language, with comparison to words in other Arawakan languages.

Canamari Language Resources

AILLA: Kanamari:
    Archive of Canamari language recordings available for download.
    Information on the Canamari language including a language map of Brazil. Page in Spanish.
Ethnologue: Kanamari:
    Demographic information about the Canamarí language.
Southern Katukinan Language Tree:
    Theories about Canamari's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Canamarí Language Structures:
    Canamari linguistic profile and academic bibliography.

Canamari Culture and History

The Kanamari Tribe:
    Online ethnography of the Kanamaris of Brazil.

Links, References, and Additional Information

Tribes of Central Brazil:
    Map showing where the Kanamari people live in Brazil.
Wikipedia: Maipurean Languages:
Encyclopedia article on the Maipurean language family, including Kanamaré.
Tribo Kanamari * Idioma Kanamarí:
Information about the Canamaris in Portuguese and Spanish.

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