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Native American Legends: Feather Woman (Soatsaki)

Name: Feather Woman
Tribal affiliation: Blackfoot
Blackfoot name: Soatsaki, Sooa'tsaakii, So-at-sa-ki
Pronunciation: soh-ah-tsah-kee
Also known as: Tail Feather Woman, Tail-Feathers-Woman, Feather-Woman
Type: Heroine, mother

Feather Woman (Soatsaki, in Blackfoot) is the tragic heroine of a mythic Blackfoot love story, in which she first wins and then loses the immortal sky being Morning Star. Feather Woman and her son, Star Boy, are important figures in the Blackfoot Sun Dance.

Feather Woman Stories

*The Star Bride:
    The tragic love story between Morning-Star and Feather-Woman.
*The Story of Poia:
    Classic Blackfoot legend about Feather Woman and her son Scarface (Poia).
    A modern short story based on the legend of Feather-Woman.

Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
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Star Boy:
    Picture book telling the story of Feather Woman and her son Star-Boy.
Mythology of the Blackfoot Indians:
    Collection of traditional Blackfoot legends and folktales.
Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies:
    Anthology of folklore from the Blackfoot and other Northern Plains tribes.

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Additional Resources

 Blackfoot myth
 Blackfoot tribe
 Blackfoot language
 Indians of Montana
 Plains Indians culture
 Algonquian Indian languages

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