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Inyeri Indian Language (Iñeri)

Inyeri is an extinct Arawakan language of the Caribbean. Many linguists consider Inyeri to have been the same language as Island Carib, with divergent dialects spoken on different islands.
Inyeri was once spoken in the Lesser Antilles Islands north of Venezuela.

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Inyeri Language Resources

Inyeri Vocabulary:
    Our list of vocabulary words in the Inyeri language, with comparison to words in other Arawakan languages.
Iñeri Language Tree:
    Theories about Inyeri's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.

Books For Sale On The Inyeris
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Comparative Arawakan Histories: Rethinking Language Family and Culture Area in Amazonia:
    Anthropology book on the Inyeri and other Arawakan tribes of the Amazon.
American Indian Books:
    Evolving list of books about Native Americans in general.

Links, References, and Additional Information

  Wikipedia: Igneri:
  Encyclopedia articles on the Igneri tribe.
  Los Iñeris * Pueblo Igneri:
  Information about the Inyeris in Spanish.

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