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Vocabulary in Native American Languages: Inyeri Words

Welcome to our Inyeri vocabulary page! Inyeri is an Arawakan language, related to other languages like Garifuna and Caquetio. We have included twenty basic Inyeri words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. If you need to know a Inyeri word that is not currently on our page, you can take part in our Native American words fundraiser or visit our main Inyeri language site for more free resources.

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Inyeri Word Set

English/Français/Español Inyeri words
Sun/Soleil/Sol Hadale
Water/Eau/Agua Oronuie
Fire/Feu/Fuego Hiket
House/Maison/Casa Tuhonoko
Head/Tete/Cabeza Desie
Hand/Main/Mano Dakan
Corn/Mais/Maiz Maurise

Click here to see Inyeri vocabulary words compared to words in related Arawakan languages: Arawakan Indian Words

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