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Native American Legends: Tamosi (the Ancient One)
Name: Tamosi
Tribal affiliation: Caribs
Alternate spellings: Tamuchi, Tamosi Kabutana , Tamosi Kabo-Tano
Pronunciation: varies by tribe, most commonly tah-moh-see
Also known as: The Ancient One, Sky-Chief, Old-Man-Sky, Grandfather Sky, Ancient One of the Sky
Type: Indian creator gods,
high gods
Related figures in other tribes: Kururumany (Arawak),
Gitchie Manitou (Anishinabe)
Tamosi is the great Creator god of the Carib tribe. His name means "the Ancient One";
sometimes the longer name Tamosi Kabutana or Tamosi Kabo-Tano
is used ("Ancient One of the Sky.") Tamosi is not personified in Carib myth and
indeed is said never to have been seen by mortal man.
The First People:
Carib legends about Tamosi Kabo-tano, Amalivaca, and the beginning of civilization.
Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
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Rain Forest Literatures: Amazonian Texts and Latin American Culture:
An interesting compilation of traditional Arawak, Carib, and Guarani stories.
Guyana Legends: Folk Tales of the Indigenous Amerindians:
Good collection of Cariban and Arawakan mythology from Guyana.
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Carib gods
Carib language
Carib people
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