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Shasta Culture and History

As a complement to our Shasta language information, here is our collection of indexed links about the Shasta tribe and their society. Please note that Shastas and other American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Shasta history is interesting and important, but the Shasta Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.

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Our Shasta Websites

Shasta Language:
    Information and language learning materials from the Shasta Indian language.
Shasta Facts for Kids:
    Questions and answers about Shasta culture.
Shasta Legends:
    Collection of Shasta Indian legends and folktales.

Shasta Tribal and Community Websites

Confederated Tribes of Siletz:
    Home to descendants of the Shasta and many other tribes of Washington, Oregon and California.

Shasta Lifestyle and Tradition

Linguistic Families of Northern California * Pre-Contact California Tribal Territories:
    Maps showing where in California the Shasta people live.
Native Americans Around Mount Shasta: The Shasta Tribe:
    Overview of Shasta culture and history, with photographs.
The Shasta:
    Curtis' early 20th-century ethnography of the Shasta Indians.
Shasta Legends:
    Collection of Shasta Indian legends and folktales.
Shasta Indian Tribe History:
    Article on the history of the Shasta people.
Shasta Indians:
    Profile and historical timeline of the California Shasta tribe.
Betty Lou Hall * Monica Jae Hall:
    Shasta writers, their lives and work.
Shasta Indian Baskets:
    Shasta and other California Indian artwork for sale online. With many photographs.
Variations on Native Californian Themes:
    Guitar adaptations of traditional Shasta and other California Indian songs.

Books for sale on the Shasta Indians
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links

Shasta Nation:
    Book by a Shasta Indian historian available for sale online.
The Shasta Indians of California and Their Neighbors:
    Book on Shasta culture and history.
The Shasta of California And Oregon:
    A book for kids about the Shasta tribe.
A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest:
    Book on the history of the Northwest Coast tribes, including a section on the Shasta.
Native American Books:
    Evolving list of books about Shastas and Native Americans in general.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

   Wikipedia: Shasta * Shastan/Sastise:
   Encyclopedia articles on the Shasta Indians.
  Los Shasta:
  Information about the Shastas in Spanish.
   Shasta Tribe:
   Shasta links.

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