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Vocabulary in Native American Languages: Tlingit Words

Welcome to our Tlingit vocabulary page! Tlingit is a Na-Dene language, related to other languages like Navajo and Gwich'in. We have included twenty basic Tlingit words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. You can find more Tlingit words in our online picture glossaries. If you'd like to know a word that is not in these wordlists, you can take part in our American Indian translations fundraiser or visit our main Tlingit language site for more free resources.

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Tlingit Word Set

English (Français) Tlingit words
One (Un) Tléix'
Two (Deux) Déix
Three (Trois) Nús'k
Four (Quatre) Dax'ón
Five (Cinq) Keijín
Man (Homme) Káh
Woman (Femme) Shawút
Dog (Chien) Kèitl
Sun (Soleil) Gugán
Moon (Lune) Dís
Water (Eau) Ísh
White (Blanc) Dlèit
Yellow (Jaune) Tl'atl
Red (Rouge) Xàn
Black (Noir) T'òoch'
Eat (Manger) Yaxaa
See (Voir) Siteen
Hear (Entendre) Ya'aax
Sing (Chanter) Yashee
Leave (Partir) Jiyanaak

Click here to see Tlingit vocabulary words compared to words in related Athabaskan languages: Athabaskan Indian Words

Tlingit Picture Dictionaries

Here are some themed Tlingit word lists we have put together and illustrated for language learners. Feel free to print them out for classroom purposes!

*Tlingit animal words

Additional Resources

   Tlingit Indians
   Alaskan tribes
   Tlingit mythology
   Native American baby names
   Northwest Native artwork

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Learn more about the Tlingit Indians

Native American art * Native American flutes * Ghost myths * Mojave California * Tribal tattoos

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