Indian languages
Native American Indian cultures
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Native American Legends: Jamul (Coyote)
Name: Jamul
Tribal affiliation: Achumawi
Alternate spellings: Ja'mul, Dzeemmul
Pronunciation: jah-mul or jay-mul
Also known as: Coyote
Type: Indian creator god,
culture hero,
coyote spirit
Related figures in other tribes: Coyote (Northwest)
Jamul is the Coyote deity of the Achumawi tribe. Unlike some Native American cultures, the Achumawi
view Coyote in a generally positive light-- Jamul does sometimes play the role of a trickster or womanizer,
particularly in contrast to his more serious and wise companion
Silver Fox (Kwahn), but he is still a respected
culture hero who helped to create the world and teach humans the arts of civilization.
Achomawi Creation Myth:
The story of the creation of the world by Jamul and Kwahn.
Coyote and Cloud:
Achumawi legend of a race between Jamul and a cloud.
Coyote and Silver-Fox:
Atsugewi myth about the creation of the world and the relationship between Coyote and Silver Fox.
Silver-Fox and Coyote:
Achumawi myth about Silver-Fox creating people and Ja'mul trying to imitate him.
Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Annikadel: The History of the Universe:
Collection of Achumawi mythology and oral history.
Surviving Through the Days: Translations of Native California Stories and Songs:
Anthology of myths and traditional literature from the California Indian tribes.
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Additional Resources
Achomawi legends
Achumawi language
California Native American tribe
California culture area
Hokan tribes
Native American Indian animal spirits
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