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Native American Legends: First Creator (First Maker)
Name: First Creator
Tribal affiliation: Hidatsa,
Also known as: First Maker, First-Maker, Coyote, First Coyote, Elder Brother, He Becomes Chief
Native names: Itsikamahidis, Itsikamahidish, Itakatetas, Itakatetash, Iicihgadetaash, Itsikawahiric, Ki-numakshi
Type: Creator,
coyote god
Related figures in other tribes: Old Man Coyote (Crow),
Earth Maker (Hochunk),
Kitchie Manitou (Ojibway)
Unlike most Siouan tribes, the Mandans and Hidatsas did not consider Coyote as a buffoon or trickster character,
but as a powerful creator god. So although there are still a few humorous Hidatsa and Mandan coyote
stories to be told, the majority of them are considered sacred just as the stories about
Lone Man are.
First Creator Stories
A Hidatsa Creation Story:
Hidatsa myths about Only Man and First Creator.
First Creator and Lone Man Creation of the World:
Mandan myths about First Creator, Lone Man, and the origin of the world.
Charred Body and First Creator:
Hidatsa myth about First Creator's friendship with the hero Charred Body.
The Bird That Turned The Meat Bitter:
Mandan legend about First Coyote saving the people from a malevolent raven that spoiled meat.
Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
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Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies:
Anthology of folklore from the Mandan, Hidatsa, and other Northern Plains tribes.
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Additional Resources
Hidatsa gods
Mandan language
Hidatsa Indians
Mandan Indians
Native Americans in North Dakota
Plains Native American
Siouan linguistics
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