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Native American Legends: Sipa

Name: Sipa
Tribal affiliation: Cocopa
Alternate spellings: Sipakmat, Sipakmaat, Sipakma:t
Pronunciation: see-pah or see-pock-mawt
Type: Creator deity
Related figures in other tribes: Mokat (Mission Indians)

Sipa (or Sipakmat) is the creator god of Cocopa Indian mythology. Unlike Native cultures in the rest of North America, the Cocopa and other Sonoran tribes of southeast California and southwestern Arizona did not consider their Creator to be a benevolent spirit or a friend to humankind-- Sipa was capricious and deceitful, and was eventually slain by his own creations after introducing death to the world.

Sipa Stories

*The Creation Myth:
    Story of the creation of humans by Sipa and his brother Komat, in English and Spanish.

Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
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And It Is Still That Way:
    Charming anthology of legends told by Cocopah and other Arizona Indian children.
Cocopa Texts:
    Collection of Cocopa legends and traditional stories.

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Additional Resources

 Cocopah myth
 Cocopah language
 Cocopah Indians
 California Native American people
 Southwest Indian tribes
 Southwest Indian art
 Hokan Indian tribes

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