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Native American Legends: Jipijka'm (Chepechcalm, Tcipitckaam)
Name: Jipijka'm
Tribal affiliation: Mikmaq
Alternate spellings: Jupijkám, Tcipitckaam, Chipitchkam, Chepitchcalm, Kchi Pitchkayam,
Ktchi Pitchkaam, Chepechcalm, Chepichkaam, Chepitchkaam, Che-Pitch-Calm, Chepichealm, Jibichkam,
Jipijkma, Chepitkam, Ktchi-Pitchkayam
Pronunciation: chih-pitch-kawm
Also known as: The plural form of their name is Jipijkamak or Jipijkmak, and the female form is Jipijkamiskw or Jipijkamiskwa.
Type: Lake monsters,
Related figures in other tribes: Kci-Athussos (Maliseet),
Tatoskok (Abenaki),
Mishiginebig (Anishinabe),
Maneto (Fox)
Jipijka'm is a great horned serpent,
common to the legends of most Algonquian tribes. It is said to lurk in lakes and eat
humans. Since it has only one horn according to most Mi'kmaq stories, it is sometimes called the
Unicorn Serpent in English. Its horn is usually described as red and yellow and has powerful magical
Jipijka'm Stories
Horned Serpent:
Encyclopedia article about the Wabanaki Chepechcalm and other horned serpents of Native American lore.
Jipijka'm and Weewillmekq':
Stories about Mi'kmaq and Maliseet horned serpents.
Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
On the Trail of Elder Brother:
Good book of traditional stories told by a Mi'kmaq author and illustrator.
Giants of the Dawnland:
Another good collection of Wabanaki legends, told by a Penobscot Indian author.
Algonquian Spirit:
Excellent anthology of stories, songs, and oral history from the Mi'kmaq and other Algonquian tribes.
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Additional Resources
Mi'kmaq legends
Mi'kmaq pronunciation
Micmac Indians
Nova Scotia Natives
Eastern Woodlands Native American
Algonkian languages
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