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Native American Villains and Antagonists of Myth and Legend

List of Legendary Indian Villains and Antagonists from Various Tribes

*Anamaqkiu (Menominee Indian villains) *Atlantow (Mohican Indian villain)
*Bad Spirit (Cayuga Indian antagonist) *Be (Bribri Indian demons)
*Bush Indians (Athabaskan Indian antagonists) *Cannibal Dwarves (Arapaho Indian antagonists)
*Cet'aenn (Ahtna Indian antagonists) *Flint (Woodland Indian antagonist)
*Hobomock (Wampanoag Indian antagonist) *Lox (Wabanaki Indian antagonist)
*Lucivee (Mi'kmaq Indian villain) *Malsum (Wabanaki Indian villain)
*Nimerigar (Shoshone Indian villains) *Owl-Man (Apache Indian villain)
*Pitcher Woman (Wabanaki Indian villain) *Pukwudgies (Wampanoag Indian villains)
*Stick Indians (Northwest Indian antagonists) * 

Stories About American Indian Villains

The Evil Pitcher Woman:
    Wabanaki Indian story in which the villainous witch Pukjinskwes tries to get rid of a chief so she can take his place.
*The Girl and the Windigo:
    Chippewa Indian legend about a cannibal villain defeated by a brave girl.
*Iktomi, Two Widows, and the Red Plums * Trickster Kills The Children:
    Plains Indian legends about antagonistic tricksters murdering the children of incautious parents.
*Cannibal Basket Woman Defeated By Clever Kids * Cannibal Woman's Sister Eats Her Last Meal:
    Legends about a Salish Indian villain who tries to capture and eat children.

Recommended Books about Villains in Native American Mythology
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When the Chenoo Howls: Native American Tales of Terror:
    Collection of Native American stories about evil creatures and enemies of mankind.

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