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Apache Indian Culture and History (Nde)

As a complement to our Apache language information, here is our collection of indexed links about the Apache tribe and their society.

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Please note that Apaches and other American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Apache history is interesting and important, but the Apache Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.

Our Apache Websites

Apache Language:
    Dictionary, pronunciation guide, and language learning materials for the Apache Indian language.
Apache Facts for Kids:
    Questions and answers about Apache culture.
Apache Legends:
    Collection of Apache Indian legends and folktales.

Apache Tribal and Community Websites

Official homepages of individual Apache nations in the United States, with information about tribal leadership, services, and events:
Jicarilla Apache Nation, New Mexico;
Mescalero Apache Tribe, New Mexico;
White Mountain Apache Tribe, Arizona;
Yavapai-Apache Nation, Arizona;
San Carlos Apache/Nde Nation, Arizona;
Lipan Apache Tribe, Texas
Apache Tribe of Oklahoma, Oklahoma
Fort Sill Chiricahua Apache Tribe, Oklahoma

Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation:
    Homepage of the Fort McDowell Tribe, which Apache people share with the Yavapai and Mojave.
Apache Gold Casino * Ft. Sill Apache Casino:
    Homepages of Apache tribal casinos.

Books for sale on the Apaches
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Culture and Customs of the Apache Indians:
    Excellent introduction to the Apache Indian culture past and present, by a Jicarilla author.
Wisdom Sits In Places:
    Interesting book for sale about the Apache language, culture, and worldview.
Putting a Song on Top of It: Expression and Identity on the San Carlos Apache Reservation:
    Good book about the importance of language, music, and humor among the San Carlos Apaches.
Tales of the Chiricahua Apache Indians * Tales of the White Mountain Apache * Tales of the Jicarilla Apache Indians:
    Collections of Apache myths and legends.
In the Days of Victorio: Recollections of a Warm Springs Apache * Apache Voices: Their Stories of Survival:
    Indeh: An Apache Odyssey * Through Apache Eyes: Verbal History of the Apache Struggle:
    Fascinating books of oral history recorded from Apache elders.
Once They Moved Like the Wind * Forgetting and Remembering Apache History * Apache Wars: The Final Resistance:
    Some good history books on the Apache Wars of the late 1800's.
Chiricahua Apache Women and Children * Women of the Apache Nation: Voices of Truth:
    Interesting books on Chiricahua culture from the female perspective.
Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place * Geronimo and the End of the Apache Wars * Cochise, Chiricahua Chief
    Chief Loco, Apache Peacemaker: * Warrior Woman: The Story of Lozen: * Victorio: Apache Warrior and Chief:
    Good biographies of prominent Apache leaders.
    Excellent historical fiction by a Native American author based on the life of the Apache warrior Geronimo.
Apache Indian Baskets:
    Coffee table book with pictures and descriptions of Apache Indian basketry.
Autobiography of a Kiowa Apache Indian:
    Interesting book by 19th-century Kiowa-Apache author Jim Whitewolf.
The Apache Indians * The Apache:
    Children's books about the Apache Indian tribe.

Maps of Apache Lands

Apachean Tribes in the 18th Century:
    Map showing the location of the Jicarilla, Mescalero, Lipan, Chiricahua, Plains Apaches, and Western Apaches.
Land of the Ndee:
    Map comparing the region where each Apache band traditionally lived with their reservations today.
Texas Indian Maps: * New Mexico: * Arizona Indian Map:
    Tribal maps showing the original territory of the Apache Indians in the Southwest.
Virtual Museum of New France: Plains Indians:
    Historical maps and articles about the Apache, Wichita, Arikara, and other Plains Indian tribes.

Apache Lifestyle and Tradition

The Apaches * Chiricahua Apache:
    Articles on Apache culture and history.
Curtis Library: The Apache Indians:
    Curtis' early 20th-century ethnography of the Apache tribe.
Tribal Amusements, Manners, and Customs:
    Narration by the Chiricahua leader Geronimo about Apache culture and traditional life.
The Texas Apaches:
    Photographs and cultural overview of the Apache Indians of South Texas.
Apache Jii Day:
    Page for kids on Apache culture, with photos from a San Carlos cultural festival.
Apache Indian Clothes * Indian Clothing * Indian Hair Styles:
    Pictures of traditional Apache Indian clothing and hair.
Apache Brush Houses * Native American Weaponry:
    Articles on Apache and other Native American weapons, tools and homes.
Apache Ethnobotany:
    Information on the traditional uses of plants in the Apache tribe.
Apache Pumpkin * Gesatho Recipe * Nopalitos * Apache Bee Balm Bars:
    Apache Acorn Stew * Mescalero Apache Potato Pie:
    Traditional Apache food recipes.
White Mountain Apache Flag * San Carlos Apache * Apaches of Oklahoma:
    Lipan Apache: * Chirakawa & Warm Springs Bands of Apache of the Fort Sill Reservation:
    Apache tribal flags.
Apache Tribe License Plates:
    Oklahoma Apache license plate.
Apache Native Americans:
    Simple information on the Apache Indians, written for kids.
The Apache Indians:
    Tribal profile, historical timeline, and links.

Apache Religion and Myth

Native American Religion:
    Advice for people researching traditional Apache religion and other American Indian spirituality.
Apache Indian Religion:
    Narration by the Chiricahua Apache leader Geronimo on his people's beliefs about the afterlife.
Dancing Gods:
    Online book on the meaning of Navajo, Apache and Pueblo dances and rituals.
Three Lipan Apache Songs:
    Traditional Apache blessing chants with English translation.
Western Apache Religion and Expressive Culture * Mescalero Apache Religion * Lipan Apache Religion:
    Articles on Apache ceremonies and religious traditions in three different culture areas.
Indians 101: Apache Spirituality * Apache Religion and Astronomy: * Some Apache Ceremonies:
    Articles on Apache spiritual traditions.
Benediction of the Apaches:
    Origin of the (fictional) Apache wedding prayer and marriage ceremony seen in movies.

Apache Literature and Arts

Apache Authors * Jicarilla Apache Authors:
    Profiles of twelve Apache Indian writers, their lives and work.
Harris Burnette Music:
    Songs performed by a White Mountain Apache musician.
Southwest Art Gallery:
    Information, photographs and links about Apache and other Native Southwestern art.
Apache Crown Dancers * San Carlos Apache Sunrise Dance* Apache Medicine Dance:
    Websites featuring Apache dance traditions.
Camp Verde Powwow * Crown Dance * Fort Sill War Dance * Lipan Apache Song:
    Youtube videos of traditional Apache dancing, drumming and singing.
Apache Artifacts:
    Museum exhibit with photographs of Apache jewelry, pottery and other crafts.

Apache Politics, Issues, and News

White Mountain Apache forests show a balance of tradition, economy:
    Article about Western Apache forest management and conservation.
In Arizona, struggle over a sacred site * Tribe opposes copper mining near reservation:
    Articles about the San Carlos Apache Tribe's efforts to block a copper mine on land protected by treaty.

Apache History and Biography

Geronimo: His Own Story:
    Online text of the Chiricahua leader's autobiography, giving the Apache view of the wars with the Mexicans and Americans.
Geronimo, Chiricahua Apache: * Geronimo * Geronimo and the End of the Apache Wars:
    Other articles and books about the famous warrior Geronimo (Goyathlay.)
Cochise, Chief of the Apaches * Cochise * Chief Cochise of the Chiricahua * Cochise, Chiricahua Apache Chief:
    Information about the Apache Indian chief Cochise.
Chief Mangas Coloradas * Mangas Coloradas * Mangas Coloradas: Chief of the Chiricahua Apaches:
    Chiricahua Apache chief Mangas Coloradas (Red Sleeves.)
Woman Spirit: Lozen: * Lozen * Warrior Woman: The Story of Lozen, Apache Warrior and Shaman:
    Articles about the Chiricahua warrior woman Lozen.
Chief Victorio * Chief Loco * Juh, Chiricahua Apache:
    Information about other important Apache leaders of the 19th century.
Apache Warriors * Apache Women:
    Biographies of famous Apache historical figures in general.
Apache Tribe History: * Access Genealogy: Apache:
    Early 20th-century articles about the Apache Indians.
The Apache Wars: A Timeline: * The Apache Wars: * Wikipedia: Apache War:
    Information about the 19th-century conflicts between the Apache tribes and the US government.
Apache History in the Rim Country and Gila County:
    Essay on Mogollon prehistory and post-colonial Apache history in the central Arizona Territory.
Apache Tribes History:
    Brief overview of Apache Indian history.

Apache Genealogy

Apache Genealogy Forums:
    Messageboards for Apache Indian descendants.
Access Genealogy: Apache Tribe:
    Article on Apache history and genealogy.
American Indian Heritage:
    Direction for those seeking Apache and other Native American ancestors.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

  Apache People * Wikipedia: Apache * Jicarilla Apache * Kiowa Apache * Tonto Apache * Chiricahua Apache:
  Mescalero Apache * Lipan Apaches * Plains Apache: * Apache Tribe: * Apache:
  Encyclopedia articles on the Apache tribes.
  Apache Resources * Apache Indians * Apache Indian Research * Apache: * Apaches:
  Apache links pages.
  Jicarilla * Chiricahua * Mescalero * Lipan * Plains Apache * Tonto Apache * White Mountain Apache:
  San Carlos Apache * Yavapai-Apache * Fort Sill Apache * Western Apache * Eastern Apache:
  Links pages for specific Apache tribes and bands.
  Pueblos Apache * Indios Apache * Los Apache:
  Information about the Apache tribe in Spanish.

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