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Vocabulary Words in the Hokan Language Family

These Hokan words are not spelled phonetically--each word is spelled according to the orthography of its own language, so if you're not familiar with these languages you will need to follow the links to see how to pronounce them. We are working on a second chart transcribed into IPA symbols. We have included twenty basic Hokan Indian words, enough to give you a feeling for each language. All the nouns are singular and all the verbs are 3rd person singular ("he or she sings") because many Native American languages don't have a separate infinitive ("to sing") the way English and French do.

If you would like to know a Hokan word that is not currently on our page, you can take part in our American Indian translations fundraiser or visit our main Hokan languages site for more free resources.

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Hokan Word Sets

Yuman Languages Sastean Pomoan Salinan-Seri Tequistlatecan
English (Français) Cochimi Cocopa Havasupai Kiliwa Kumiai Maricopa Mohave Paipai Quechan Achumawi Karuk Shasta Esselen Central Pomo East Pomo North Pomo Kashaya Chumash Salinan Seri Highland Chontal
One (Un) Tejueg Acit Asitam Mecil Chin Cendig Seto Acitdek Arsentik Hamís Yitha Č'á·mmu Pek Tato Kalī Cha Hku Paka's T'ol Tazo Anuli
Two (Deux) Kuak Kauwak Xuwaga Hauwak Huak Xavik Havik Kowûk Xavik Haq Áxak Xúk'a Ulax Kaw Xotc Ko Ko 'Iško'm Xákic Coocj Oguéh
Three (Trois) Kabiak Hûmok Humuga Hamiik Hamok Xamok Hamok Homuk Xamok Cásti Kuyraak Xá·čki Kxulef Sibo Xomka Subu Sibo Masix Lápay Capxa Afanéh
Four (Quatre) Nauwi Sûpap Hop'a Minûk Chepap Tcumpopk Chumpap Hupak Chumpop Hatáma Piith 'Í·ruhaiyu Kxamakxus Dukaw Dol Tak Mitcha Skumu K'íca' Czooxöc Amalbu
Five (Cinq) Huipe Serap Thetrapa Seltipûm Sarap Sarapk Tharap Sirûp Sarrap Latú Itrôop 'Eč'u· Pekmakxala Natsu'i Lεma Shal Tucho Yitipaka's Oltááto Coitom Amagueh
Man (Homme) Wami Apa' Apa Nickume Ikuch Ipa 'Iipa Pa'hami Apa Yálíyú Ávans Awatíqa Efexe Baiya Gauk Ba Acha 'Ihi'y Luwá or Taamá Ctam Galxáns
Woman (Femme) Waki or Huisin Yesak Pakri Yiskô Sinya Sinyaok Thinya'aak Mimusi Sinya'ak Amitéucan Asiktávaan Taríči Tanoch Mata Da Mata Imata Eneq Lets'é Cmaam Łagahno
Dog (Chien) Ethat   Ahat That Hut Xatk Hatchoq Xat   Cahómaka Čišiih 'Á·psu Canaco Hayu Haiu Hayu Hayu Huču Xutc Haxz Galtsiqui
Sun (Soleil) Epang Inya Inya'a Inyaa Enya Inya 'Anya Enya Inya Col Kuúsura Čú·war Aci Da Da Da Qsi Káwe Zaah Galhora
Moon (Lune) Konga Hexa Hala Hüla'a Hallai Xalyaa Haly'a Hülû' Hula Col Kuúsura Čú·war Tomanisaci Iweda Duwεlā Diweda Q'alasha 'Awa'y Tats'óópi Iizax Galmuł'a
Water (Eau) Tasi Erkah Aha Ehaa Ha Axa 'Aha Ahah Aha As Áas 'Á·čsa Asanax Ka Xa Ka Qha 'O' Tc'a Hax Lajah
White (Blanc) Cala   Nyimsava   Nimchuk Nyimasava Nyamasav   Hamalk Tíwicí Taahkoo Itáyu Heleski Kale Pit'au Kale Qahle 'O'wow t'al Cooxp Galfujga
Yellow (Jaune) Rimarai Kwakwas Agwatheg   Kwakwak K'wesam 'Aqwath   Aqisk Makmakí Kasčíip 'Íčumpaxé Aciski Tsakat Xošilī Tsakat Qhala   T'áwut Cmasol Abohó
Red (Rouge) Hwat   Ahwotiga Kwal Xwal Hwetam 'Ahwat Kwolxwat Ahwitk Taxtaxí Áax 'É·xti Maxanaski Tas G'ida Ta'ts K'is Tasin Itckááten Cheel Unxalí
Black (Noir) Akal Kwinyir Inyaga X'nyiil Kwinyiil Nilyig Anyaa'ily Kañac Nilk Hookíci Ixkáram 'Ápxutáraxi Tumaski Kili Gili Katse K'ili Šoyin Cówut' Coopol Umi

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